Are you a high schooler starting the horn? Get insider tips from a pro!

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What is the difference between Aural and Literature traditions?
Are you a high schooler starting the horn? Get insider tips from a pro!
What is the difference between Aural and Literature traditions?
Let’s face it: we’re all adrenaline junkies. We do too much, can’t sit still, check our email/Facebook too much, have forgotten how to de-stress, relax, shut down even momentarily the shrill blah blah radio in our heads (this becomes especially important when we’re trying to perform on the horn). This web site shows a lovely photo of the ocean at sunset and challenges you to simply listen to the sound of waves and watch the sunset for 2 minutes without interruption. If you can’t (even moving the cursor), you “fail.” But you can try again. It’s harder to do than it looks. Give it a try.
Learn 50 great ways to improve yourself as a horn player and up your game.