Welcome to the part of the website that deals with current events (sometimes e-vents, sometimes just vents) in this immediate zip code plus thoughts, ideas, and random neural firings that may go way beyond the local.
I am retired as of June 2021, which means I have lots of free time and no deadlines, which makes it hard to get anything done. I do have several book projects under way, but they have to fit between crossword puzzles, cryptograms, jazz guitar, naps, biking, and golf. Occasionally fishing. And card tricks. Y un poco español. Never a dull etc. etc.
One of the first projects to tackle has been this website. I owe a huge debt to web wizard Kirstie Keill for putting this all together in such splendid fashion with seeming ease. Take a bow, Kirstie! She helped sort out and dress up the vast ragbag of All my Stuff, which for once in its life has acquired some grace and organization. Should anyone actually be interested in locating any of my books or compositions, this (now) is the place. Besides the list of opuses (= opera!), many have links to program notes, recordings, and publishers. There is also a section that supplies links to some of my performances, mostly improvisation (improv will be a frequent theme on this site). In compositions, it may look at first glance to be mainly about horn music, but hold on- there is actually quite a bit for other brass and even more for woodwinds.
There is also some other stuff purely for enjoyment: Cool Stuff, a list of My Favorite Books, and Free Stuff (downloadable freebies that will be switched out once a month to offer new material).
So make yourself at home, pull up a chair, and have a good look around. Enjoy!
PS: Feel free to drop me a line if you have any comments, questions, interesting ideas about almost anything, jokes, recipes, stock tips, guitar licks, and anything that might help my poor golf game.