Something’s Coming

Something’s coming!

Retirement is a hard time to get anything done with so much time and no deadlines, but sometimes things do happen. Let it be known that a new book for horn players is on the way. The first draft will go out to my readers tomorrow. The book cover is done – the designer was amazingly fast in coming up with the cover art, and I think you will find it eye-catching and close to stunning; very different from any other cover on any other book on horn in any case. The layout designer will do her work in May; I’m not sure how long that takes, but let’s guess two weeks. Then it will be published on Amazon’s KDP publishing, both in paperback and e-book format. So it will come off the presses in the first part of June. What’s it about, you ask? I am being coy about the subject until it is published, but let’s say that there is no other book for horn that I have heard of that talks about what this book talks about. So stay tuned for further announcements and make sure that you are the first kid on your block to get one when it comes out in June. I think this will be a book that every hornist will enjoy.

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