Amazing Things FB – The Best

Amazing Things in the World. Facebook site with spectacular photos from around the world. Water clock in Osaka. Boat made up recycled plastic bottles. Sunset in Antigua (!!). Hanging monastery (China). Rainbow finch. Machu Picchu. Rainbow Rose. Mexican walking fish. Arabian sand cat. Mona Lisa portrait made of 3604 coffee cups. Most beautiful horse in the world. Beautiful beaches. Owls. Kittens. Cars. Craters. Melon art. Hand painting. Skylines. Waterfalls. More beaches.

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Open Culture Is The Bomb

“The best free cultural & educational media on the web.” Links to free: audio books (550), online courses (1,100), MOOCs (1000+), movies (700), language study (300 lessons), textbooks (200), eBooks (700), business courses (150), K-12 education, art & images, music. Such a deal!

Horn Heuristics

The word comes the Greek Heurisko [heur (to find out, discover) + Latin isticus, – istic] meaning “find or discover.” A heuristic is an approach to problem solving, learning or discovery that is not exact or completely accurate, but it gets the job done for the nonce.